Native American Indian Commission

Funding Opportunity: Homekey Round 2

February 1, 2022

The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative is committed to addressing barriers facing the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness.

This includes strengthening the collaboration with the AIAN community to understand the gaps in resources and to provide more culturally appropriate homeless services.

In an effort to further build communication with the AIAN community, we want to share a housing opportunity called “Homekey Round 2” – a State-sponsored funding opportunity to acquire, develop or operate permanent housing – that is open to Tribal Entities with or without Federal recognition (Click here for more information).

We’d also like to announce that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted a Motion directing the County’s Chief Executive Officer to commit operating funds to support Tribal entities pursuing Homekey Round 2 funding from the state.

We want to strongly encourage all Tribes/Tribal entities interested in pursuing funding for operations of permanent housing projects in Los Angeles County to reach out to Elizabeth Ben-Ishai via email at if they have questions or need assistance.

Also, please be on the lookout for an online community engagement session in early March, where we will share more information on this funding opportunity.

Last modified: February 1, 2022

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