Native American Organizations in the City and County of Los Angeles
Both the City and County of Los Angeles has a wealth of services available to its residents. There are Native American social service and cultural organizations in Los Angeles County that provide a range of services to the community.
To provide Opportunities for networking and support of American Indian business people in California. To Provide a mentor’s environment for those individuals beginning new endeavors and establish a vehicle for education, networking and growth opportunities.
American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California
(213) 448-2330
American Indian Changing Spirits’ Mission is to provide culturally relevant, community-based outreach and education, with evidence-based recovery programing focused on American Indians who suffer from drug & alcohol addiction and/or dependency.
American Indian Changing Spirits
(562) 388-8118
The mission of the AICC is to strengthen the overall wellness of the LA American Indian children, families, and community through leadership development, community organizing, self determination, and cultural values.
American Indian Community Council (AICC)
Established in 1979 to address informational needs of American Indians in Los Angeles County and to make information about them available to the larger community.
American Indian Resource Center (AIRC)
(323) 583-2794
To provide for the education, inspiration and benefit of the people of California as well as those throughout the world with interest in the material culture and lifeways of prehistoric, historic, and contemporary American Indian cultures and the unique folk art represented at the park.
Antelope Valley Indian Museum
(661) 946-3055
Barcid is home to numerous premier entertainment brands that connect with audiences through compelling content across television, motion picture, online and mobile platforms in numerous countries and territories.
Barcid Foundation
(323) 466-7400

Our agency goal is to provide each client and their family with the aid on becoming self-sufficient and stable.
Gabrieleno /Tongva Native American Services
(626) 286-1632
Haramokngna originally opened in 1998 with a Special Use Permit from Angeles National Forest. Converted from a former fire station, the cultural center provides an exhibit space that tells the story of the five tribes of the San Gabriel Mountains: Tongva, Tataviam, Chumash, Kitanemuk, and Serrano. These five tribes are explored through their pre-European contact relationship with the land and each other via trade routes through the mountains.
Haramokngna American Indian Cultural Center
(626) 449-8975
Established to preserve and protect the Kuruvungna Springs area at University High School, a community organization that is involved in educating the public about the history, as well as preserving the cultural and historical resources of the area.
Kuruvugna Springs Cultural Center and Museum
Gabrielino/Tongva Springs Foundation
(310) 806-2418
The mission of Pukúu Cultural Community Services is to invest in sustainable programs that bridge and improve opportunities for American Indians with culturally-based community services now and for future generations.
Pukuu Cultural Community Services
(818) 336-6105
The Red Circle Project (RCP) atAPLA Health (AIDS Project Los Angeles) is the only HIV Prevention Program in Los Angeles County that specifically provides services to the Native American /Alaska Native Community.
Red Circle Project
(323) 329-9905
Southern California Indian Center, Inc. (SCIC) goals are to promote social and economic self-sufficiency for American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian people.
Southern California Indian Center, Inc.
(800) 250-6393
Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians’ vision is to create opportunities in education, economic development, social services and other aspects of life for its tribal members and employees to become productive citizens and neighbors, thus creating a more harmonious community.
Torres-Martinez Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
(800) 655-7228
To promote and support the physical, behavioral and spiritual well- being of American Indian/Alaska Natives in the urban Los Angeles area by providing comprehensive, integrated services that focus on all age groups and incorporate American Indian/ Alaska Native cultures and traditions.
United American Indian Involvement
(213) 202-3970