Native American Indian Commission


Commission meetings are held on the Third Tuesday of each month at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration’s Sybil Brand Conference Room 372 (500 W. Temple Street, LA, CA 90012). Please note you must enter the Hall from the door located on the Grand Park side of the building.

Standing Committee meetings are held at various locations and dates determined by the committee.

In accordance with the Brown Act, all matters to be acted on by the Commission must be posted at least 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. In cases of an emergency, or when a subject matter needs immediate action or comes to the attention of the Commission subsequent to the posting of the agenda, upon making certain findings the Commission may act on an item that is not on the posted agenda.

The Commission’s agendas are posted at 510 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90020 and at The posted agendas are viewable 24-hours a day.


There are 25 free parking spaces available at the Music Center parking lot for attendees of the LANAIC monthly commission meetings. Individuals will need to identify themselves as attending the meeting to the Music Center parking attendant and sign the free entry log when they arrive. The 25 spaces are on a first come first serve basis.

The lot is located at: 135 N. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles 90012

Please note you will need to enter the lot via southbound traffic, turning right into the garage from Grand Avenue between First Street and Temple Street.


An opportunity for the public to address the Commission on agenda items will be provided before or during consideration of the item. Members of the public who wish to speak on any item are requested to complete a speaker card for each item they wish to address, and present the completed card(s) to the Executive Assistant.

A member of the public has the right to address the Commission on items of interest, which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. A person may make a presentation on a non-agenda item, but the presentation shall not exceed three minutes in length. The Commission will also provide an opportunity for the public to speak on public interest items for a cumulative total of up to fifteen (15) minutes. The Commission may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period.

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